Monday, April 12, 2010


there are alot of things i want to share with u blog since i have forgotten u about long time due to some undivided time with myself...and currently im attracted to the word LOVE which i have pick along the journey i have faced lately... there are many version of love that i think people might get into one of the situation and im witnessing this situation based on my environments and surroundings....thankx to every person involved.

love doesnt come easily....every human being are searching for it. some people are stupid and most of them are dumb. some are blind and some are worst than blind people. and sometime...the love that u are searching for are not worth enough for u to explore and experience cos it wont give u anything.this sound negetive about love...and yes..for me the negativity of love that lead u to be some kind of person...REALITY!!

im attracted to this matter though i didnt experience much about it for myself...but i do understand though maybe for them i just can hear it but not feel it. but dying to search why they react the way it is.hmmm...people react differently and act differently than wat they feel deep deep in thier heart while they are in love.

the reason just one,....u are not the same person as anyone else in thier life. so they wont react simply the same as they react to anyone else. and y they do so is wat i want to explain here...

farisya nadiah

1 comment:

Unknown said...

can i have zettys number