Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Be Positive

perasaan untuk menulis lewat ini sangat kuat...
mungkin hendak perkatakan sesuatu yang mungkin sendiri tidak dapat tafsirkan lagi..
dan tidak mungkin pula dapat ditafsirkan oleh orang lain selain diri sendiri...
itulah kebiasaannye.. apakan daya.

lately, alot of things happen in my life, Ahdan Qhaleef is born and i get a new job. in a way, that is what i have planed before. hmm...yup but now i feel sick of all the commitment that i have to fave. i don't know..im sick! im sick and i cant handle commitment. i cant be committed with things or i just need to learn it. is that the reason or this that hikmah behind all this? ya....im sure it is. it is not the matter of i cant do things, it just i don't believe that i can do it. i don't give me time n space to let it Me be in that zone. i know im better than this if i wanted it to be success the i want. i have to love what i need to do! it just i need a reminder...i need someone to remind me when i lost in time and i cant do it. i just to be reminded. that all i need.

i want to believe what i have to believe...i want to put my all. i want to be appreciated...in a away,i have to gain the trust.i have to keep on giving a road to it. no pain no gain right? hmmmm... i have to set my mind back...this is not something that i cant quit the next morning if i wanted to. where should i go?and where i should stand? i have to find it myself. sometimes i know what i want.and sometimes i don't. sometimes im deeply knowing about myself and out of sudden in don't at all. huh.....please tell me that i can do it or else im hopeless.

as u said before in the previous entry....i need to get a foundation first. WORK or JOB! now u are in it....but this is not the safes place. u need to find your strength...give your full attention to it. stay focus and MAKE THE SACRIFICES  to succeed. that is the only way...that i know. no shortcut and no cheat. face it with your heart and lets rock the world. that the only way that can help you to the top. give your 200 per cent in it. im sure u cant feel more comfortable than this. im praying for that.

and one thing left, i know that i have been neglecting my duties as khalifah in this world...i know that.i should be more ashamed than im now. because i know it but im living in denial...i just refuse to do it cos im very hard makean excuses to all the matterof it. i must not. huh......

be more positive than this now. have a bright day tomorrow and live life with out excuses no more. PEACE


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