Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Small Soldier Battle

Hello myself,

How crazy I am now. I know. Have been avoiding to write for almost few moths. Trying hard to control n hiding this crazy feeling from anyone including you blog. Why? You r just a mute blog that can even talk to me back. Am I right? Ntah maybe I just don't want to hear myself complaining about my life again. But unfortunately, I can't. This is  my limit I think.

Fuh...I'm at startbucks now. I've just comeback from a wordrobe survey at mimpi kita. There is project thatbim currenltly doing. Just a small job in between this crazy emotion of mine. I'm glad I'm doing this after few months of being Wilson try to avoiding this crazy world. Is this wotld crazy or it just me who are too weak to facr the world.

So back to the story, why and what happen today? Starbuks really usefull nowdays. That lady in green who have stars in her head just give me a second chance to live today. Recently I had my first accident. Yup my first accident ever!!! There are a lot of drama in it. I can't directly report to the police because of my license are death. Why I didn't renew it? I don't meant to do that on purpose ok. Before that I had my saman from JPJ while I'm still on my P license. So that I have to pay a sum of amount that I cant aford that time or even now. So I let it be. Un till few days ago, after that accident happen  the plot of this story have getting  worst n worst. And unfortunately today, something bad happen again.

I wonder why now while I'm typing this. Is this a sign  of god trying to talk to me. Is Allah trying to teavh me something. What is it dear Allah? Am I a bad person here? If I'm too blind to you or if Im ti deaf to you , please let me see with my heart not my eyes or  if I'm deaf ,please let me hear with your heart not my ears. It seem all the road you given ti me seems hardly to walk through. Or. Need to push that wall and fly.?

But whatever it is, I need to get going. Buy that pembaris and unlock that small soldier n getbback to the road.amin.


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